
"Provocative." "Groundbreaking." "Daringly inept."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shark Week Fun Fact: Bad Rep

While A North Pacific Giant Octopus Is Going To Kill Me counts down the 10 reasons not to &%$! with a shark, I will be peppering you with some fun facts about them.

Fun Fact: Sharks have the worst reputation in the whole animal kingdom and are by far the most misunderstood.

They just wish someone, even just one person, would fully understand the pressures they constantly face from their peers, and understand why they are the way they are. They just want a little compassion please.


  1. ABFAAE, do you have any insights into these so-called pressures and "issues"? I mean, all they do is swim around all day and eat people.

  2. Thanks for asking, ANPGOIGTKM.
    f---ed if I know. Peer pressure from the other shark bullies to be big and mean??
    All I really want to know is... why the eff can't I have legs like that? Maybe I should take up surfing...

  3. you all are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
